Saturday 9 June 2018

ALZELC English Conference July, 2018 !!!

!!! ANNOUNCEMENT - ALZELC English Conference July, 2018 !!!

TELTA  is happy to announce that the host of the first-ever conference for the African Lake Zone English Language Consortium (ALZELC) will be our very own St. Augustine University, in Mwanza, Tanzania. This conference is a collaboration of the national English teachers associations in: The Democratic Republic of Congo (CLASS); Rwanda (ATER); mainland Tanzania (TELTA), Uganda (UNELTA) and Zanazibar (ZAPELATO).

Important Dates:
  • June 3: deadline for submission of session proposals
  • June 30: deadline for submission of registration form
  • July 5-6: dates of conference regular presentations
  • July 7: extra presentations ONLY for teachers' network organizers

Important Files to Download:

ALZELC Call for Proposals, 2018 (updated).doc
Download File

ALZELC Registration Form, 2018.doc
Download File

ALZELC Letter of Invitation for Teachers, 2018
Download File

Visa Information

Visas for Tanzania are available upon arrival. They can only be paid for in USD, and the bills must be new and crisp. Prices and details are available here: ​

​Members of the East African Community (EAC) of Burundi, Kenya, Rwanda, Tanzania and Uganda should not need to pay for visas (per
Hotels Information

We will continue to add to this list of recommended hotels until mid June. Attendees and presenters are responsible for making their own arrangements.

Hotels in Downtown Mwanza (convenient for those arriving from airport)1) Hotel Tilapia
Budget options in town coming shortly-- check back soon.

Hotels in Nyegezi (convenient for those arriving from East by bus)
1) Kumalija Hotel (near Nyegezi bus terminal; visit here)
  • Capacity - 60 people
  • Price: tsh $7 - $14 / night
  • Breakfast not included
  • Manager’s Contact: +255 759 670 313
  • Free Wifi
2) Majestic Hotel
  • Capacity: 15 people
  • Price:  $9 - $15 / night
  • Breakfast included
  • Manager's Contact: +255 784 616 768 or +255 673 011 574
3) Plazma Lodge & Bar (Near Nyegezi Corner: Visit here)
  • Capacity 15 people
  • Price: $9 - $15 /night
  • Breakfast included
  • Manager’s Contact: +255 753 094 045

  • NO PAYMENTS for this event, anyone can attend by filling the registration form and send back to!!!!
​​​Welcome all!!!!!

Sunday 3 June 2018



African Lake Zone English Language Consortium (ALZELC) Executive Committee is pleasure to welcome you to the coming conference to be held at Saint Augustine University, Mwanza from 5-7 July 2018.

We thank all who have shown interests in presenting their papers, workshops and discussions. The Review Committee is now at work to make sure all submitted the abstracts receive the feedback on time, i.e. 15 June 2018.

We thank you for being humble.

The Chair


Test, teach, test (TTT) is an approach to teaching where learners first complete a task or activity without help from the teacher. Then, based on the problems seen, the teacher plans and presents the target language. Then the learners do another task to practise the new language.
The learners, who have not studied phrasal verbs, are given a text and asked to find examples. They are able to do this but not to deduce meaning. The teacher plans a lesson to help learners develop this, and then asks them to do a similar activity.
In the classroom
TTT is a useful approach as it enables teachers to identify the specific needs of learners concerning a language area and address this need suitably. It can be particularly useful at intermediate levels and above, where learners may have seen language before, but have specific problems with it, and also in mixed level classes to help identify objectives for each individual.


A pronoun has the following three properties, the `person`, the `gender` and the `number` just as a noun has.
Of these, gender and number can be understood quite easily from the pronouns themselves, as `He` is of masculine gender and singular number, `She` is feminine and singular etc. But, when it comes to the person there may be a doubt about which belongs to the Ist person and which to the II nd and so on. I wonder if the following could possibly help to understand this aspect. The three `persons` are Ist, IInd and IIIrd person.
Singular                                    Plural            Possessive[singular]  Possessive[plural]
I Person: I                                   We                My                           Our
II Person: You                             You                Your                         Your
IIIrd Person: He, She, It.                They           His, Her, Its                  Their

The definition of the first person is the Person speaking; of the second person as the Person spoken to and of the third person as the Person spoken of. It is known that in conversations[among people, or, in stories etc] there can be three people referred to; one is the person speaking, the second is the person spoken to and the third can be the person who may, or, may not be present there physically, but, who is spoken about.  To illustrate this let us suppose there are three people who are called A, B and C respectively. Let us suppose that A says to B ` I want to go there`. Now, A refers to himself as `I` and he is the person speaking so, `I` is the first person according to the definition. Let us now suppose that he asks B ` Do you want to come?`. B is the person spoken to by A and he is referred to as `you` so `you` is the second person by definiton. Now, suppose A leaves and C comes along and B tells C that A wanted to go there. He says ` He wanted
to go there`. He is speaking about A who is not physically present and,  so, `He` is the third person by the definition of the IIIrd person. We must try to understand the plural and possessive forms as well from these definitions. Then there are also the accusative forms as well such as Me, Him, Her, Us etc which should also be understood. Please tell me what you think of this illustration.