Monday 6 February 2017


What types of alternative assessment techniques I have tried and the benefit or information that assessment provided about my students' language learning. 

Assesement techniques are so essential to any learning activity because it makes learners and their instructor to know where and what to add or remove towards the process.  It also makes learning process enjoyable and fruitful. 

In my teaching I have been trying several assessment techniques, these types vary according to the level and nature of the students.

Firstly I have tried Non verbal Responses when teaching my young learners. In our country English is not the first language, thus, to introduce it to the learners needs more skills to make them love and perform the way you want them to be. In this type of assessment I have been telling my learners to draw what I say, drawing is highly loved by young learners, I take them outside the classroom and tell them to draw on the surface (sand), then I display a picture o all items that I ordered them to draw. They like it as they see each other’s work and see the correctness and mistakes done. Using this type I come to recognize the areas of weakness in my teaching, thus, I plan effectively the other way to help them.

In addition to that, to make the activity above impressive, I use Peer and Group Assessment. I sometimes tell them to look at each other’s drawing if it is relating with that I show them. Every learner takes another person’s position. They start to raise their hands for those who have made correct, and they say where they have made mistakes. I also use this type of assessment when teaching other students of higher levels such as form one or two aged 12 – 14. I give them task and ask them to exchange their works, thereafter I with them start to correct the work, and finally they come up with the solutions on areas they have mistaken.

Using presentations is important for assessment. I tend to use this type of assessment when teaching form three or four, these are at least matured in language learning so they can express about something or themselves. I give them the topic to discuss in groups  and then they choose one person to present, all of them listen to the presenter at the end of the presentation the listeners give out feedback on the weaknesses and strengths of the points presented. I find myself doesn’t use more energy to make clarification. So, this type helps both of us in the learning process.

Role play is so common in my classes, learners perform duties of people. I use this when teaching them about “Occupation”. Learners love it much as it is the simplest way to make them understand quickly.
Concluding, there is no way to escape these assessment types as they foster understanding of the learners and the language class more active.

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